Brisbane office(07) 3180 0150
Gold Coast office(07) 5529 8803

Directors and Employees Liable

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 22 February 2015
People are often surprised that a director, employee or anyone involved in a breach of certain provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth (the "Act") can be liable for those breaches. It is often mistakenly believed that, as the franchisor is a company, the people working for or on behalf of the company cannot be personally liable. If a person, amongst other things, has "aided, abetted, counseled or procured a person to contravene"  or "ha...
Posted in:FranchiseeFranchisorBusiness  

Am I acting unconscionably?

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 20 February 2015
There are no hard set rules defining when conduct is unconscionable. More often than not, we look to case law to help to determine if certain conduct is unconscionable. Behaviour held to be unconscionable In a recent case* brought by the ACCC against a franchisor, its director and one of its employees the Court held that, amongst other things, the following behaviour of the franchisor was unconscionable: 1. failing to pay the franchisee for work it had completed when the cu...
Posted in:FranchiseeFranchisorBusiness  

How to Pick a Franchise

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 16 February 2015
Surprisingly, Australia is one of the most franchised nations in the World. With Australians embracing franchising so much, potential franchisees are spoilt for choice. So, how do you choose the franchise system to invest in? Below is a checklist of some of the matters potential franchisees should be considering in their decision making process. 1. Self-Audit Firstly, a potential franchisee should assess whether they are made to be franchisees. Generally speaking a ...
Posted in:Franchisee  

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Franchising Code of Conduct 2025: Day 1 – National Franchise Disclosure Register Updates

Mar 12 2025
The new Franchising Code of Conduct 2025 takes effect on 1 April 2025, bringing significant updates for franchisors. To help you prepare, The Franchise & Business Lawyers will post daily updates on the Code and the steps franchisors need to ta...

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation

Brisbane Office Address: Clarence Chambers,
Level 10, 95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000

Gold Coast Office Address: Wyndham Corporate Centre
Level 9, 1 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217

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Oxenford, QLD 4210