Brisbane office(07) 3180 0150
Gold Coast office(07) 5529 8803

Buying a Business

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 3 February 2015
If you are buying your first business the whole process may be a little overwhelming. Here, we will give you a basic outline of what to expect. 1. If a business broker is involved in the sale they will often give you a contract to sign; 2. You should then have that contract reviewed by your solicitor.  Your solicitor will give you advice, so you know what you are signing, and redraft or negotiate the contract on your behalf; 3. Once it is in a form you are happy with, you...
Posted in:Business  

Your Lease

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 2 February 2015
Your lease can be one of the most important aspects of your business and you may not even realise it. More often than not a business' premises will fundamentally impact upon its success.  The viability of many retail stores depends upon foot traffic past the store front, some retails stores don't rely so much on the foot traffic but more so on surrounding businesses attracting potential customers to the area, distribution companies may need to be centrally located to ensure t...
Posted in:Leases  

Franchise in Trouble - a Case Study

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 30 January 2015
CASE STUDY 2 In a recent matter, our franchisee client was suffering great financial hardship in the operation of its franchised business.  It had been suffering this loss for some time and it could not turn the franchised business around to stop the financial haemorrhaging. The franchisee had for many months been trying to negotiate with the franchisor to have it released from the franchise agreement.  However the franchisee owed the franchisor alot of money for ongoing franch...
Posted in:NewsFranchisee  

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Franchising Code of Conduct 2025: Day 1 – National Franchise Disclosure Register Updates

Mar 12 2025
The new Franchising Code of Conduct 2025 takes effect on 1 April 2025, bringing significant updates for franchisors. To help you prepare, The Franchise & Business Lawyers will post daily updates on the Code and the steps franchisors need to ta...

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Brisbane Office Address: Clarence Chambers,
Level 10, 95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000

Gold Coast Office Address: Wyndham Corporate Centre
Level 9, 1 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217

Central Post Office Box Address: P.O. Box 428
Oxenford, QLD 4210