Brisbane office(07) 3180 0150
Gold Coast office(07) 5529 8803

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Thinking of buying a Franchised Business?

We act for many franchisees and have provided advice on many franchise agreements.

When the franchise lawyer is reviewing a new franchise agreement, disclosure document and other documents for the franchisee it is important the franchise lawyer has an understanding about how franchising works and how the requirements of the documents will impact upon the franchisee and the franchisee's operation of the franchised business.

The franchisee needs to gain an understanding of the franchise system and the franchisee's obligations in complying with that system and the franchise agreement.

latest news

ACCC Website Review: Avoid Consumer Guarantee Pitfalls

Mar 07 2025
The ACCC is cracking down on business websites, reviewing terms and conditions to ensure they align with consumer guarantee laws. As websites are in the public domain, regulators like the ACCC can scrutinize them at any time. Don’t let yo...

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation

Brisbane Office Address: Clarence Chambers,
Level 10, 95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000

Gold Coast Office Address: Wyndham Corporate Centre
Level 9, 1 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217

Central Post Office Box Address: P.O. Box 428
Oxenford, QLD 4210