Brisbane office(07) 3180 0150
Gold Coast office(07) 5529 8803

Call Me Maybe (Franchisor Version)

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 13 July 2015
One of the most common concerns raised by franchisees is that some franchisors "dump them" once they have signed on the dotted line. They feel it is all love and cuddles up to that point, but once the deal is done, the franchisor loses interest and moves on to the next potential franchisee or conquest. This leaves a new franchisee feeling a little used and abused. In some circumstances this is just poor management of expectations by the franchisor.  The time is a...
Posted in:FranchiseeFranchisor  

Know when to walk away (from your franchise) Know when to run

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 6 July 2015
Sometimes being a franchisee is a lot like being the gambler in Kenny Rogers' song by the same name. If things are going bad, the writing is on the wall or there is just a downward spiral a franchisee may be tempted to fold 'em and run. However, the franchisee (just like any business owner) has obligations to other parties and running or walking may not be an option (or may be a risky option). If the franchisee has a premises lease, there are its obligations to the land...
Posted in:FranchiseeBusiness  

Baby One More Time (Multi-Site Franchises)

Posted by Elizabeth Gore-Jones on 10 June 2015
Is multi-site franchising good or bad? Firstly, multi-site franchising covers the scenario where a franchisee has more than one franchise within a franchise system. It can be an easy way for a franchisor to more quickly expand the franchise system and the brand by granting further franchises to a current franchisee.  It alleviates the need to expend time, effort and money in the training of a new franchisee and arguably reduces the infrastructure required as the franchisor wil...
Posted in:FranchiseeFranchisor  

latest news

Franchising Code of Conduct 2025: Day 1 – National Franchise Disclosure Register Updates

Mar 12 2025
The new Franchising Code of Conduct 2025 takes effect on 1 April 2025, bringing significant updates for franchisors. To help you prepare, The Franchise & Business Lawyers will post daily updates on the Code and the steps franchisors need to ta...

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Brisbane QLD 4000

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Bundall QLD 4217

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