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Unlocking Franchising Insights: Elizabeth’s Joint Legalwise Presentation on Practical Strategies for Tackling Unfair Contract Terms in Franchise Agreements

Posted on 23 January 2024

The Franchise & Business Lawyers’ very own principal, Elizabeth Gore-Jones, is a regular presenter at Legalwise Seminars, where she generously shares her expertise in legal matters, especially in franchising law, with her fellow legal practitioners seeking continuing professional development.

This March, Elizabeth’s usual solo presentations shift into a unique dimension as she takes the floor with her esteemed colleague, Simone Pentis, for a special co-presentation titled “In Conversation: Practical Strategies for Tackling Unfair Contract Terms in Franchise Agreements.”

Scheduled on 26 March 2024, Elizabeth will engage in a fruitful conversation with Simone about the impact of recent changes to the unfair contract regime in franchising law, together with techniques for navigating an uncertain landscape that lacks substantive legislative and judicial direction but bears significant consequences.

Their presentation aims to impart a thorough understanding of unfair contract terms within franchising agreements, real-life case studies and practical examples illustrating common pitfalls, and actionable strategies for identifying, negotiating, and addressing unfair terms.

Elizabeth's constant presence at Legalwise Seminars underscores her dedication to legal education. Her upcoming presentation with Simone promises not just theoretical knowledge, but practical strategies that legal professionals can immediately apply in their practice. Don't miss the chance to learn from Elizabeth's expertise – register now through this link.


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