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The new National Business Names Registration System

Posted on 26 June 2014
The new National Business Names Registration System

The new National Business Names Registration System should be up and running from the 28th of May 2012.

This means you will only need to register your business name just the once and it will be registered nationally.  Businesses will no longer be required to register in each State and Territory the business will be operating in.

If you already have a registered business name you will not have to do anything, your registration will automatically transfer to the new National Business Names Register.  If you have identical business names registered in a number of States or Territories  then those registrations will transfer over as a single registration and you will only have to pay one renewal fee for the name to be registered nationally instead of paying each individual authority to register in separate States and Territories.
The renewal of your multiple business names should be payable from the day your last business name becomes due for renewal.

You will no doubt have different addresses for each business name in each State and Territory.  ASIC will let you know the address they will choose to use for sending documents, you can notify them of another address.
It is possible that identical names may be registered in different States and Territories.  This will not affect your business name registration and you will still be able to use it.

The good news is that the business name registration fees will be quite a lot lower.  One year will be $30.00 and 3 years will be $70.00.
So, the system should be easier and cheaper.  That is good news for business.


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