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Online Impacts on the Franchisor-Franchisee Model

Posted on 9 September 2014

Elizabeth Gore-Jones will be presenting at the Legalwise Seminars "Franchise Law: Compliance, Enforcement and Disputes Under the Code" seminar tomorrow in Brisbane.

In a retail environment constantly changing as a result of technological advances in e-commerce, the franchisor and franchisee relationship can and should flourish.

Elizabeth's presentation "Online Impacts on the Franchisor-Franchisee Model" will examine some of the challenges both franchisors and franchisees may face in a time of online change and competition and strategies which can be employed.

As a result of many factors, franchisors can find that the franchise network causes them to be less flexible than their non-franchised competitors.  However, there are many strengths in a franchise system which can put a franchisor, the franchisees and the franchise network in a better position than those competitors.

For example, the network of franchised businesses may in itself make online shopping with a franchisor more convenient for a shopper especially with a larger number of well situated outlets for collection of goods, return of goods or other services.

Provided a franchisee also benefits from an online presence, both franchisor and franchisee should be able to work harmoniously in the online and bricks and mortar environment.



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